
An in-depth reach into the workings and future of the sector

Submarines, space and Shannon – Repurposing the birthplace of duty free for the 21st century

As guardian to much of western Europe’s technology infrastructure, the responsibilities Ireland faces in a digital economy are ever increasing. Recent incursions by Russian communications and reconnaissance aircraft into the North Atlantic have shown that the country is not sufficiently prepared to deal with this threat. At the same time, Shannon Airport’s importance as a passenger gateway has been declining ever since the 1960s. An opportunity now exists to leverage the airport’s geographic location once again and bring Ireland’s defence capabilities into the modern era.

Posted: 2020-09-15 at 20:42 GMT

In assessing airport infrastructure needs post COVID19, the human being is the greatest unknown

While we watch webinars, read industry forecasts and attempt to predict what might happen when the aviation industry gets back on its feet, the truth is no one really knows. Predictions now are unlikely to be able to account for the most significant variable of them all – our own behaviour.

Posted: 2020-05-06 at 14:44 GMT

Why the grounding of the 737 MAX should lead us to question the future of airport infrastructure

When it comes to runway rehabilitation projects, we are perennially seeking the answer to economise, or otherwise value engineer our solution. In the realm of the whole-life cost analysis, the question that needs to be raised sooner or later is 'when will we no longer need a runway?'

Posted: 2020-04-18 at 11:51 GMT

The rise of the A321 as a long-haul airliner and the potential hidden infrastructure costs for airport operators

In the years since the arrival of the 747 into commercial passenger service in 1970, long-haul air travel has evolved from being a privilege of the wealthy to a price point less than that of your annual car service. The "Jumbo Jet" became synonymous with mass air travel and affordability and to this day is seen as a symbol of international connectivity. But times have changed and so have the aircraft of choice.

Posted: 2020-04-18 at 10:38 GMT